

Monday 29 September 2014

It's a heartbreaking reunion

Oh!!! The meeting...

Back then when Luffy and the whole world thought Sabo was dead, Oda put him in action again!

It must be a heartbreaking moment of reunion...

OK! Nevermind... lalala


Zoro's tough love... I love how he consoles the crybaby ~I remember he did the same to Chopper, but not hitting the lil' one, this older brother... aiyark, that's why I like him~... lol
~I too, thought Sabo was dead. You are not alone baby.~


I don't understand this, but suddenly I have the sudden urge to broship Bellamy and Bartolomeo.
I haven't until I saw this ^
It's weird I know. Something about that pose isn't right.

But because of that pose, I broship Barto and Bellamy so hard, ~Ah! I found another new broship~. Really... it is something I couldn't explain ...
Clearly, that pose has nothing to do with Bellamy but it's just.. urm... it just happened ~What the hell is happening to me?~

So now, I'm gonna broship Barto and Bellamy.
My headcanon is... I want Bellamy to join Barto though most likely he wouldn't. ~ignore me ranting nonsense~

Yes... I really broship these two! Damn~

He is too nervous to face Luffy. Because this is how he sees him:
That his Luffy-senpai is dazzling he couldn't set his eyes on him...


When SOP Operation was introduced in the manga, it wasn't that eyecathing like this 
So, I never really paid attention to it.

And this adorkable aho Usopp thought beating the said lil' girl is easy. Not until he meets one.
There it is again, Robin sweatdropped!

Overall, this episode is so good it brings back the memory of the sworn brothers T_T

One Piece/ Episode 663

P/S: There I am again, ranting about my fav anime. I shouldn't have done this... I know. But I can't help myself. I really need to get rid of the over-excitement through writing... as if could help... well, just a little.

Friday 26 September 2014

Door to hell

Gas crater in Turkmenistan
Door to hell

P/S: Seriously it made me shudder

Monday 22 September 2014

THINGS you never KNOW soon you'll KNOW -Part IX-

Interesting Fact -Part IX-
That last time I post about mindblowing fact was in 2012

1. The Macrocilix maia moth confuses predators with wings patterns that imitate two flies eating bird poo. It even releases pungent odour to drive home the deception.

2. Do you ever think that, perhaps, the universe that we could be living in, is simply a brain cell to another living creature?

3. You once held a world record when you were born for being the “Youngest Person on The Planet.”

4. The creators of Adidas and Puma were brothers… they were also Nazis.

5. One of the most powerful earthquakes recorded in US history is the New Madrid Earthquakes in 1811-1812. They were so powerful that they reversed the flow of Mississippi River, rang church bells in Boston and cracked sidewalks in Washington D.C.

6. Playing an instrument can raise your IQ.

7. The Museum of Endangered Sounds exists to allow streaming of once popular technological sounds. ie. the dial-up tone, ICQ chat tone, Windows 95 startup.

8. These are aerial views of the tulip fields in netherlands.

9. In 2009, after being told they can't publish anything that is negative in nature relating to the government. The Fiji Daily Post decided to mock the media restrictions handed down by the government by reporting stories such as, "Man gets on bus" and "Breakfast as usual".

10. Playing action video games trains people to make the right decisions faster without loss of accuracy. Video game players develop a heightened sensitivity to what is going on around them, which helps with multitasking, driving, keeping track of friends is a crowd and navigating around town.

11. We can raed and udnrestsnad msseed up stneceens as lnog as the frsit and lsat lettrees of the wdros are in the crrcoet plaecs.

P/S: Huhuhu... not that I want to know

Sunday 21 September 2014



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Ini untuk memberi ruang kepada stok baru yang akan datang tidak lama lagi...nantikan ^_^

Jadi, jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Segera dapatkan koleksi kami dengan harga murah.

!!!...RM 60.00 SAHAJA...!!!



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Pertanyaan lanjut boleh tinggalkan komen di bawah :)

Saturday 20 September 2014

Sad but true

“Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!” 
― Donquixote Doflamingo

P/S: Reflecting...

Thursday 18 September 2014

Crazy over this...

Yeah! I don't feel ashamed about it. I'm happy I'm crazy over One Piece.

I was waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting for One Piece chapter 761 ever since yesterday.

It just released minutes ago and I was like...

Soooo many feeeelllllssssssssssss I can't take it anymoreee!

But ahhh!!! this is just sooo sooo soo 

And the most awaiting plot, that is Law's past... eh, wait...well, I don't think it is, but since Law was there too, maybe Oda decides to just tell Law's past through Doffy's...



And Kora-san.... the one he mentioned long time ago...

Will get to know more about him later... in the next next chapters of course

That's him... 

He's weird I think...

Yeah, he is...

So fucking weird!

Ahh~~ poor my lil baby!

Now I wonder how Law can be so fond of him or maybe the other way around!

But either way, Law cherishes him too much, and that's what I want to know moooooreeee!

but this, 

I feel like

Please skip next week!!!

One Piece/ Chapter 761

P/S: That's impossible...

Wednesday 17 September 2014

When picture says it all #47

Always keep the gift no matter how small it is

This was a long time ago.

A sweet girl gave it to me as a farewell gift.
*purposely blurring the name. She gave in private so that meant she didn't want the whole world to know and I am respecting her wish, so...

And I still keep it with me. Oh, I use that cute fan too ^,^

You know, appreciating what someone gives you means a lot to them.

P/S: Gift worth a keep.

Monday 15 September 2014

Turn down the invitation

Why is he blushing?

Laxus  rejects man. He's a normal guy after all  >,<

Poor you Freed! Try again!
Fairy Tail S2 - 24/ Laxus Dreyar/ Freed Justine

P/S : But Barto is still the winner!!!

Sunday 14 September 2014

No title

So to speak, these students bought me "Tiramisu cake" as they told me ~ah, it was my last day at the school, kinda farewell lil party~. 
~I'm gonna make this by myself I swear~

Since I fucking love sweet things, ~amma sweet tooth damn yeah~ so I happily accepted. Luckily I still have my self control, or else am gonna scream in that teacher's room. 

And then, we had unofficial photoshoot session. Nothing much but just snapping pictures here and there.

*click image to enlarge

They asked me to wear that big rayban glass so I did!


She thought she was takin' a picture when actually... it was a damn video!

These came out right!

And some random picas...



With another random video...


Something was wrong with these two girls, ignored 'em!



They are all just some random people with random behaviours.


Once upon a time, in a stranded class...

Weyh! study bah study!

P/S : They just love taking pictures

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