

Tuesday 31 December 2013

An error occured while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.

I don't know if others experience the same thing. 

But this always happens almost every time I write or update a new entry. Luckily most of my entries are auto-publish, so I don't really mind.

I don't have this problem before this. I think it started this year. Who cares anyway.

Sometimes it took me several minutes to get my entry to be published.

Especially the one entry that I just wrote and  want publish right away. And it's annoying.

It has nothing to do with the HTML things but  I don't know so, I won't explain.

The quickest way to fix this; 

1) Go to your HTML section.

2) Copy all the HTML code.

3) Click Save. Let it empty.

4) Paste the HTML again.

5) Then PUBLISH.

It might work.

It did work on me.

P/S : Terlebih nescafe

Monday 30 December 2013

Checking for virus/malware : using CMD -part 2-


The second method is kinda messy because you will have to change all the attributes of the files listed. Then after you are done, you might as well need to change it back to its original state ~lot of work to do, but if you know what you do, then no problem at all~. So I suggest you to just follow the first method. Just in case you want to know how the 2nd method is. I also don't like this method.

I don't have a real sample of infected laptop, so I just use mine as sample. And use different location or drive just to show you how it is done. The process is just the same.

Open the CMD. In the command, type the drive letter (C: or D: or E:) then hit ENTER.

In the next line, type dir /w/a and hit ENTER again.
There will be list of files shown including the hidden files.Then, identify the virus.

If you haven't found any, then that's fine. No need to progress. But once you found the virus, then continue the following steps.

We take IP84XCJ.exe as the sample.

In the next line, type attrib -s -h -r -a to remove the attributes of the files in the directory.
* This will apply the changes to all the files in you seleted directory (in this case, D:). Everything will be visible. Do you still want to do it?

Then, delete the virus by typing del IP84XCJ.exe and hit ENTER. Do the same to other virus (if any).


Even after deleting the virus, there are possibility it resides in the RECYCLER folder and you need to delete inside the folder too.

No worry. All you have to do is type in cd RECYCLER in the next command line. Type again dir /w/a to check if the virus is presented in the folder.

If you see the virus, then delete it just like the the previous step.

For some other viruses, they won't be coming back after you deleted them. But sometimes, there are stubborn viruses that keep coming back even after you deleted

Some also cannot be deleted because it is still used by other program. You need to find a program that is using the virus. If you know what is the program, then you can just terminate the program and progress on deleting the virus. If you are not sure, you can find it in taskmanager or msconfig. Terminate the program and continue deleting the virus.

Next, I'll post on how to check (and delete) virus using regedit. 


P/S : Woah! I never thought it will take this long. Should I post another method using cmd? I think nah! Enough with those two. They're all the same. Just by posting them gave me trouble. Budak genius sudah penat :p

Sunday 29 December 2013

What to do when you see a zombie?

* Animated GIF images
What to do when you see...

Chapter 445

Episode 342

Push him back into the ground!!!!

Me was : ROLF with tears in the eyes.

Typical Luffy.. :D


Chapter 448

P/S : Beat me! 

Saturday 28 December 2013

Sebab tu mama larang jalan time maghrib

This happened nda lama dulu dalam tahun 2013 ni juga.

Kejadian selepas waktu Maghrib dekat masuk Isyak ~Jalan-jalan dengan my brother, just the two of us~

Time tu aku parked kereta opposite dengan Pasar Malam di jalan *tut*, my brother yg keluar turun beli barang. Memandangkan aku ni pemalas jalan, cuma tunggu saja dalam kereta.

Jalan sangat lengang, kereta pun jarang yang lalu lalang. Apalagi orang2 jalan situ. Sambil2 tunggu tu, tengok2 jugala rear mirror tu mana tau ada orang. Memandangkan cuma lampu jalan yang menerangi jalan, so nampak cuma samar2 seja. Then as I leka tengok rear mirror tu, tiba2 I saw ada something yang jalan menuju ke kereta.

Cara jalan dia sangat hodoh, jalan kangkang ka tu. Yang pasti cara jalan dia memang agak pelik. Kalau mau buat comparison, macam ketam jalan ke depan? Bukan macam manusia biasa. So aku dekatkan kepala la tengok rear mirror tu mo tengok lebih jelas. Who knows, it was my imagination or maybe  I was dreaming.

So I turned my head to the back la, neither it was my imagination nor I was dreaming because what I saw surprised me a little bit.

Dia cuma ada bahagian pinggang ke kaki. Part kepala ke pinggang... jangan cakap.... I didn't see any... entah ke mana. Agak lama jugalah aku mengamati si kengkang ni (nama buat2 sebab dia jalan kangkang). Warna coklat2 merah. Lucu pula tengok dia jalan macam tu ~aku bersyukur sekurang2nya aku dilahirkan sebagai manusia yang sempurna fizikal~

Then I saw la my brother pun jalan towards kereta. Memandangkan my brother mendahului si kengkang, so my brother menutup free-show tadi. 

Bila my bro buka pintu kereta depan, I asked him la, kalau ada lagi orang yang jalan di kawasan dia lalu tadi. My brother said no one. And dia pun tengok belakang tu, my bro masih berdiri di luar kereta time tu. Mungkin dia pun mo tengok rupa si kengkang tu, tapi dia bilang dia nda nampak sudah.

Aku tengok belakang la balik, si kengkang tiada sudah.

Laju juga dia menghilang walaupun tiada mata ek.

Lepas tu, kami pulanglah. Sambil2 tu tengok juga rear mirror tu mana tau dia menyangkutkan diri di sana. Hahaha... tapi, tiada juga.

And nothing happened afterwards.

P/S : Learning my lesson, bagi lalu maghrib & isyak dulu kalau mau jalan malam.

Friday 27 December 2013

Because he loves his name so much

Zura janai, Katsura da Compilation

A continuation from the previous post >>here<<
(some animated images)

Gintama Episode 51

Gintama Episode 60

 Gintama Episode 61

Ooppss! mistake own name

Gintama Episode 72

What a difficult customer!!

That expression...

Aww.. What a kick greeting!

 Gintama Episode 74

What the hell?

p/s : Katsura is an adorkable character... but  I still adore him.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Essay hebat #5...

Sumber : Facebook

Just this once, I don't wanna be a Grammar Nazi...

Wednesday 25 December 2013

When picture says it all #8

P/S : The fun of drawing

Those annoying referrer spams will never stop.

Am not an expert blogger or what so ever, but when it comes to this kind of things, I can count on my instinct ~computer and my instinct have special unexplainable bond~.

Notice or not, your blog will always be visited by these unknown referrer spams. When actually, none is viewing your blog. So, don't be happy when you got a damn big hits by those referral URLs... 

For example;

They do influence your pageviews, unfotunately, they have nothing to do with your pagerank. However, they can reduce your ranking in search engine. ~Superb action~

There's nothing you can do to stop them. You can't block them. Even if Google block them, they'll just change the URL, like a flu virus changing its DNA.... and come and visit your blog.

Even if you keep your blog private, they'll still be your "honor" visitors.

The safest way is ignoring them... Oh yes, you can click on them, just to check but make sure you are not signing in any of your accounts. The best way, is to open them in Incognito windows ~Google Chrome has it, if ye know what I mean~. Or maybe, opening them in private tab (Mozilla Firefox). But if you are dubious, just ignore them.

I am just kinda love to play with this kind of thing, so I did click on the links just to check what's inside... and you see, nothing!

So you just know that, they are nothing but just a bullshit.

Stop clicking on them. That's the only way to make them "stop"...  I mean, sooner or later, they will not be on your referring url lists. Not exactly stopping them.

So keep updating and posting original entry to generate real traffics.

Just an additional info, you know, you can block them using IP address. You see, just install whatever IP blocker products or using html or several this and that... ~grrr.. me finding it's very annoying to explain in details... so I stop here~. Then, there you go... block the hell of them.

Blocking them might help reduce the referrer spamms but you might as well block your potential readers. And also, if they are surfing anonymously, there's no use to block them as well. Haiya!! Every action has its consequence.

As I said, the easiest way is ignoring the referrer spams... let them stay but ignore them, that way, they'll "feel" left out and just slowly slip down from the top traffic.

P/S : Now, check your stats to see are you getting real traffics or just a bogus pageview counts...

Tuesday 24 December 2013


What you pictured is what you draw...

The power of 

P/S : leave it to imagination

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